Parishioners can volunteer to assist at Mass as: Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), Altar Server, Gift Bearer, Greeter, Usher, or with the Choir/Music. An annual signup occurs in September, but a parishioner can sign up at any time by contacting Theresa Horinek, 580-763-2994
See the current Ministry List under the Communications link.
Altar Guild
The St. Francis of Assisi Altar Guild supports or sponsors parish activities such as funeral dinners, St. Francis Day meal, Senior girls scholarship, and receptions for Senior Sunday, First Communion, Confirmation, and the Annual Christmas Program. For more information contact Teresa Beard, President of the Altar Guild.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus, Council #4042, supports or sponsors parish activities such as Back-to-School Hamburger Fry, Turkey Bingo, St. Francis Day meal, 40 Cans for Lent, Christmas treats and Easter Egg Hunt for kids. Contact DuaneVap, Council Grand Knight, for more information.